• October 1, 2015 - Paco Mota will give a talk today for the Granada Laica group (part of the Europa Laica network), after delivering copies of the new poster announcing the book to major Granada bookstores.

• September 20-21, 2015 - Sergio M.L. Tarrero captures Paco Mota's first interview. You can see more pictures at Sciocracia's FB page, https://www.facebook.com/sciocracia (English FB page upcoming).

Sergio M.L. Tarrero and Paco Mota

• September 18-20, 2015 - Paco Mota and Sergio M.L. Tarrero attend the Sabiduría y conocimiento conference, part of the Cadena Ser-sponsored Congresos del Bienestar in Córdoba, and present with copies of the book to various personalities from the worlds of culture and international politics, such as José Mujica, Theodore Zeldin, Fernando Savater, Juan Cruz, John Carlin, Pepa Bueno, Daniel Innerarity, Teodoro León Gross y Shlomo Ben Ami.

Fernando Savater en diálogo con Nativel Preciado.

Shlomo Ben Ami.

Fernando Savater in conversation with Nativel Preciado

Shlomo Ben Ami

• September 16, 2015 - Publisher and distributor receive the first copies of the Spanish (original) version of If Darwin and Socrates, Global Sciocracy.

• September 15-16, 2015 - First Sciocracia.org and Sciocracy.org websites go online.

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